
Service-learning programme

The aim of the "Service Learning in the Serra de Tramuntana" Programme is to promote this methodology - which integrates learning and service processes - within the curriculum of educational centres in the Serra de Tramuntana area, in order to encourage the creation of socially responsible community networks.

Service learning is a methodology which, by detecting real needs and working collaboratively, promotes knowledge, protection and improvement of the environment.

The declaration of the Serra de Tramuntana as a UNESCO World Heritage Site is an opportunity to rediscover an area full of natural, cultural and historical resources and values. The aim is to reinforce a sense of belonging and roots in the territory, training citizens who participate responsibly and actively for the good of society as a whole.

The Service Learning programme is developed with the collaboration of the Directorate General for Vocational Training and Continuing Teacher Training of the Government of the Balearic Islands.

Related information

  • Web del programa APS Serra de Tramuntana


Serra de Tamuntana Consortium


General Riera, 113, Palma

(+34) 971 219 735


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