Serra de Tramuntana law

The Consell de Mallorca's Department of the Presidency, through the Serra de Tramuntana division, is initiating a procedure to draft a law to protect the Serra de Tramuntana cultural landscape, declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 2011.

Unesco considers the Serra de Tramuntana to be of exceptional universal value due to the fact that «constitutes a significant example of the Mediterranean agricultural landscape, which, after centuries of transformations of the steep terrain morphology to exploit the scarce available resources and thanks to the specific orogenetic, climatic and vegetation conditions, has been made productive and well-adapted to human settlement. The system of terraces and cobbled road network, common to many Mediterranean landscapes, is here combined with an articulated network of devices for the management of water, revolving around farming units of feudal origins. Several villages, churches, sanctuaries, towers, lighthouses and small dry-stone structures punctuate the terraced landscape and contribute to its actual character.»

The Consell de Mallorca considers that the most appropriate instrument to achieve the objectives of the declaration as World Heritage is a text of legal rank, and currently there are no specific regulations on the subject, there are only sectorial or generic rules.

The proposed law aims to regulate the protection of the cultural landscape of the Serra de Tramuntana by means of four main lines of action to intervene in the rehabilitation and restoration of the heritage, as well as in reconstruction when necessary: recognition, preservation, management and planning.

Chronology of the administrative procedure for drafting the Serra de Tramuntana Law


  • 13 January 2025. - Resolution ordering the processing of a public consultation prior to the drafting of a proposal for the Serra de Tramuntana Law.

    In accordance with the provisions of Article 90 of Law 4/2022, of 28 June, on Island Councils in the terms of art. 80 of the same law and article 133. 1 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, of the common administrative procedure of public administrations and with the aim of improving the participation of citizens in the procedure of drafting an articulated text of a proposed law for the protection of the cultural landscape of the Serra de Tramuntana declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, a public consultation must be carried out, via the Consell Insular de Mallorca's electronic office, in order to gather the opinion of the citizens and the most representative organisations potentially affected by the future law, within 15 working days from the publication on the Serra de Tramuntana Consortium website (16th January 2025 - 6th February 2025).

Related information

  • Seu electrònica Consell de Mallorca

  • Resolució del vicepresident del Consorci Serra de Tramuntana per la qual s’ordena la tramitació d’una consulta pública prèvia a l’elaboració d’una proposta de Llei de la Serra de Tramuntana
