Patrimonial elements

Huts and charcoal furnaces

Charcoal burning - the conversion of wood from the forest into charcoal - was one of the most important economic activities of the Serra de Tramuntana mountain range, and was carried out during the spring and summer. The cycle would begin with the contract agreement between the charcoal burner and the landowner, when it was decided which trees would be cut down and where the charcoal furnace (sitja) and the hut where the men would live were to be built.

First of all the hut was built - a simple, circular construction with dry-stone walls and a conical roof with a wooden frame covered in reeds. Afterwards work began on the charcoal furnace itself: a circular, cobbled surface was prepared, and smaller stones, dried red earth and chopped pine or holm-oak wood were laid out on it. When the charcoal burning pit had acquired a conical shape, it was covered with green branches and a fine layer of earth.

Serra de Tamuntana Consortium


General Riera, 113, Palma

(+34) 971 219 735


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