Cultural route

Alaró: the town and Ses Artigues

Standing in Alaró’s main square is Saint Bartholomew Parish Church, built of limestone stone and flanked on one side by En Coix cross and the vicarage. On the way to the upper part of town, visits can be made to Son Tugores, a publicly owned cultural centre which still conserves part of an olive press and a waterwheel used to draw water from Ses Artigues spring. The town’s central streets are nearly all lined with buildings featuring round-arched or lintelled doors. The oldest part of Alaró, known as Barri de los Damunt, stretches across the north-west of the town. Its little square commemorates Cabrit and Bassa, two martyrs burnt to death there for defending the castle from King Alfonso the Liberal during the 1285 invasion. Beside the old road to Orient is a property known as Sa Font des Jardí, featuring an interesting water mill. Close to Ses Artigues estate house is a qanat (an underground gallery carrying water supplies) whose waters powered ten mills in the 12th century and still supply the town and local fruit and crop-growing areas. Further up, the road leading to the little hamlet of Orient is bordered by S’Estret olive grove and its hillside terraces.   

The Dry Stone Route GR 221 passes through the municipality of Alaró in the section of Tossals Verds, in its variant of the Castle. Check the updated information on the official website: https://caminsdepedra.conselldemallorca.cat/-/variant-d-castell-d-alaro-tram-tossals-verds-orient ​​​​​​​

Serra de Tamuntana Consortium


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